About us
MKB GYM · Warszawa
Box – This is what we do at MKB Gym>365 days a year .
Boxing is a sport for everyone, at every age and at every level – from those undecided who are looking for new forms of activity, through those taking part in youth events, to the next in early racing events.
Boxing training is a form of activity that is becoming more and more popular in Warsaw. Not accidental, caused by an attack (boxing), it is extremely addictive, but also an exhausting form of activity and spending time.
Boxing gives its practitioners the opportunity to fulfill themselves on various levels. Those with a competitive streak can test themselves at various types of boxing competitions. For those who want to get in shape, boxing is a great way to build fitness, lose weight and improve motor coordination.
Why boxing at MKB GYM Warszawa?
Boxing for everyone and all ages.
Because boxing is the most beautiful sport. With traditions dating back to ancient times, with personalities such as Joe Louis or Muhammad Ali, who created mass culture and the modern image of the athlete.
And above all – a discipline that is extremely diverse, demanding, but also gives incredible satisfaction from every hour devoted to training.
Boxing is not only about hitting punching bags – of which there is, of course, plenty at MKB Gym – but also a wide range of exercises and training methods:
- from learning the basics of boxing technique,,
- to circuit training activating all body parts,
- to working with a partner, where we improve not only the technique,
- but also reflexes and the ability to control your nerves.
Boxing training is a holistic training that ensures development in every element that contributes to your overall fitness. That’s why you should take your first boxing steps with us?
MKB Gym is a place where professionals train and work. People with both professional and coaching experience. These are training methods that have proven successful in boxing rings in Poland and throughout Europe, as well as experience from working with dozens of people under my care. Visit us today to find out!